On a sunday from warm June we took some hats we love,
And went to a nice spot we appreciate out of crowdy city center.
But before that, Krzysztof Adamek, our friend photographer proposed something.
Let's go somewhere, I want to show you a nice street art master piece of Krakow...
Model: Anna Moskal
He will cover your head, nose and shoulder
And bring all the beauty on the first plan.
Out of time and sexy French touch, with Le Béret Français
A easy to wear accessory, which can be easy foild in your bag.
Protect your skin from the strong sun with Revel
We love the shadow effect, do you?
And why not some tennis to remind us Rolland Garros?
Hat : Black Bolero Panama
This lovely and peaceful place we talk about,is Tyniec.
A fortified abbey, overlooking the Vistule.
We trully recommend this visit if you look for some green area...
To finish this session in beauty, we choose Margot,
Our favorite wide brim hat,
inspired by Audrey Hepburn and the provencal tradition.